Hyperlane bridge adapter update to V3

Hyperlane bridge adapter update to V3


BGD Labs @bgdlabs



Simple Summary

This proposal updates the bridge Hyperlane bridge adapters used on a.DI to connect Ethereum with Polygon, Avalanche, Binance and Gnosis to the new Hyperlane V3 version. Additionally, removes old native bridges on Optimism, Base, Arbitrum, Scroll and Metis, after verifying that the new active versions work properly.


The main motivation of this proposal is to bring the Hyperlane bridge adapters to the up to date version (V3).


Updates the Hyperlane bridge adapters used to connect between networks to Hyperlane V3 and it also adds Adapter Name to the contracts to make it easy to track off chain

To add the new forwarder adapters the method function enableBridgeAdapters(ForwarderBridgeAdapterConfigInput[] memory bridgeAdapters) external will be used, and to remove the old forwarder adapters, the method function disableBridgeAdapters(BridgeAdapterToDisable[] memory bridgeAdapters) external will be called on each CrossChainController.

To add the new receiver adapters the method function allowReceiverBridgeAdapters(ReceiverBridgeAdapterConfigInput[] memory bridgeAdaptersInput) external will be used, and to remove the old receiver adapters, the method function disallowReceiverBridgeAdapters(ReceiverBridgeAdapterConfigInput[] memory bridgeAdaptersInput) external will be called on each CrossChainController.

The old native receiver bridge adapters to remove are:

Code diffs for the different networks can be checked on a.DI diff repository for revision 2. Adapter diffs: HLAdapter, BaseAdapter, IBaseAdapter



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by BGD Labs