Assign Emission Admin - Ethereum, Arbitrum and Optimism

Assign Emission Admin - Ethereum, Arbitrum and Optimism


karpatkey-TokenLogic & ACI



Simple Summary

This enables various teams to distribute rewards across Aave v3 Ethereum.


This AIP integrates four separate ARFC that each propose granting a team the privileges to distribute there chosen asset across an Aave v3 deployment. The below summaries each initiative:

  • ETHx & SD rewards by Stader Labs
  • osETH & SWISE by Stakewise DAO
  • OP reward via an Aave Community SAFE
  • ARB rewards via Gauntlet

The two LST providers are intending on using rewards to bootstrap the growth and adoption of there resepective LST.

The OP and ARB incentives are being distributed with the intent of migrating USDC.e to USDC on each respective network. These ARB and OP rewards were originally provide by the respective foundation and are not those belonging to the Aave DAO.


The setEmissionAdmin, a governance controlled function, assigns the EMISSION_ADMIN role for a specified token on the respective network.

The EMISSION_ADMIN role controls the distribution of the specified token across the specified Aave v3 deployment.

The EMISSION_ADMIN can distribute the specified token anywhere across the Aave v3 deployment on the respective Liquidity Pool.


Set EMISSION_ADMIN permission for ETHx, SD, SWISE, osETH, OP and ARB to the following address:

Aave v3 Ethereum

Address Reward (SD): 0x30D20208d987713f46DFD34EF128Bb16C404D10f Address Reward (ETHx): 0xA35b1B31Ce002FBF2058D22F30f95D405200A15b SD & ETHx EMISSION_ADMIN: 0xbDa6C9cd7eD043CB739ca2C748dAbd1fCA397132

Address Reward (SWISE): 0x48C3399719B582dD63eB5AADf12A40B4C3f52FA2 Address Reward (osETH): 0xf1C9acDc66974dFB6dEcB12aA385b9cD01190E38 SWISE & osETH EMISSION_ADMIN:0x189Cb93839AD52b5e955ddA254Ed7212ae1B1f61

Aave v3 Arbitrum

Address Reward (ARB): 0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548 EMISSION_ADMIN: 0xE79C65a313a1f4Ca5D1d15414E0c515056dA90b4

Aave v3 Optimism

Address Reward (OP): 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042 EMISSION_ADMIN: 0x3479CEb4b1fcaDC586d4c5F1c16b4d8c0D70Bc71

The AIP calls setEmissionAdmin() method in the EMISSION_MANAGER contract.




TokenLogic, karpatkey and ACI receive no payment for this proposal. TokenLogic and karpatkey are both delegates within the Aave community.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

by BGD Labs